Home » General » FID Pharmazie on DPhG Annual Meeting

This year’s Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft took place in Münster from 23 to 26 September. For the third time, FID and NFDI4Chem were represented with a joint information booth. At this booth, visitors learned about all PubPharm tools, FAIR research data management and the Chemotion ELN electronic laboratory notebook.

The conference book for this meeting can be accessed via pharmRxiv: 10.57747/pharmrxiv-2024092470232-000 The pharmRxiv repository managed by the FID offers a place to publish content from all pharmaceutical disciplines: Abstracts, poster contributions, and presentation slides, but also research data and secondary publications. You are also welcome to make your presentations or posters from conferences available there for interested parties! You will receive a DOI with which you can refer to this publication, and the long-term archiving of the published content is also guaranteed.

We want to thank you for your lively interest in the PubPharm services, the many discussions, and the new contacts made, and we are already looking forward to the next DPhG Annual Meeting in Freiburg!

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